Protein Paneer Salad Recipe

This vegetarian version of protein salad is so healthy and nutritious. It's a great option for people who want to add protein to their diet.

Protein Paneer Salad Ingredients:
200 Grams Paneer/Cottage Cheese
1 Cup Capsicum
1 Cup Onion
1 Broccoli
100 Grams Ice Berg Lettuce
1 Tsp Chilly Flakes 
1 Tsp Pepper Powder
1 Tsp Italian Seasoning / Pizza Seasoning
1 Tbsp Salad Oil
1 Tbsp Lime Juice

Recipe video posted on Youtube English and Tamil Channels 😊


Separate the broccoli florets and rinse twice. In a pan or pot add water and 1/2 tsp salt boil it on high flame. Remove the boiling water from flame and add the broccoli to the hot water and allow it to rest for few minute then drain and reserve.

Separate the lettuce leaves rinse it in water twice. spread the lettuce on a towel allow it to drain, then pat it dry and slice it. Reserve the lettuce in a bowl.

Wash and slice the onion. Wash the bell peppers, chop it in half, remove the seeds, chop the bell peppers into cubes and reserve.

Chop the paneer into finger length strips and reserve.

Wash the lime and chop into half.

In a small mixing bowl add 1 tbsp pepper powder, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tbsp lime juice and 1 tbsp oil, mix all the ingredients and reserve.


Heat a wok on medium flame. Add 1 tbsp sesame oil allow the oil to heat up and smoke.

Add the broccoli to hot oil and fry for 2 minutes or until tender.

Add sliced onions and cubed peppers and fry for another 2 minutes.

Add the paneer, chilly flakes, cumin, pepper powder and salt fry all the ingredients for 2 more minutes. Remove the veggies from flame and reserve.

In a salad bowl layer with shredded lettuce. Top the lettuce leaves with 2 tsp of salad  dressing. 

Top the lettuce with stir fried veggies and garnish with dressing, mint leaves and coriander...We can serve the salad warm or cold...Enjoy!
