Green Chilly Pickle with chicken biryani is my favorite combo😋 I'm always in search of a good pickle recipe and came across similar green chilly pickle served during Rajasthani food festival at Howard Johnson😏
They were so kind to send me the recipe when requested. However there are few alterations from the original Howard Johnson recipe😀 This is much more simplified version and easy to prepare, this pickle will store only for 2 weeks, I recommend preparing in small batches😉
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200 Grams Green Chilies (Serrano or Jalapeño)
2 Tbsp Mustard Seeds
1 Tbsp Fennel
1 Tbsp Nigella Seeds/Onion seeds
1 Tbsp Turmeric Powder
2 Tbsp Jaljeera Powder
3 Tbsp Vinegar,
1/4 Cup Mustard Oil + 2 Tbsp Sunflower Oil
1/2 Tbsp Asafoetida
Salt as per taste.
Select chilies which do not have black or white spots on them.
Make sure the chilly is green in color and has the stem while purchasing.
Try using Jalapeño chilies for this recipe. These chilies are meaty, unique in flavor and taste.
Make sure to store pickle in a glass container or glass bottle.
This pickle will store only for 2 week if placed in fridge.
Prep Up:
Wash the chilies twice.
Add chilies to a colander allow excess water to drain.
Using a cotton or muslin cloth pat the chilies dry.
Spread the chilies on a plate allow to air dry.
Remove the stems and chop the chilies into small pieces and reserve.
Heat a fry pan on medium flame. Start dry roasting the mustard, nigella seeds and fennel seeds on medium flame.
Allow the mustard to splutter and settle. Remove from pan and allow to cool completely.
Add the spices to a mortar and pestle grind to form a coarse powder reserve.
Heat a wok on medium flame add mustard oil and sunflower oil allow the oils to smoke.
Once the oil reaches to smoky point add asafoetida allow to splutter and settle.
Add chilies stir and fry for a minute.
Add turmeric and jaljeera powder stir and fry for a minute.
Add salt stir and fry.
Switch off the flame add vinegar mix well allow to cool completely. Transfer the pickle to a glass bottle and use as needed...Enjoy 😊
Article Posted on Deccan Chronical Newspaper
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